Victoria Cerminaro, BCHN November 2022
“Health and wellness from the inside-out” is no longer a trending phrase, but a way of life. Millions around the world are gaining a vast understanding of the benefits of proper nutrition, consistent use of supplements, and daily self-care routines that prove to aid in healthier, happier, and longer lives.
With all the information available, it’s easy to begin comparing ingredients in some of our favorite foods and supplements. In a flurry, we can clean up our pantries, our diets, and swear to ban all ingredients that are bad for us. Eventually, fear might set in and you might start having doubts about some ingredients you previously thought were healthy. Your most trusted supplements are no exception to this doubt, but in the back of your mind you know macronutrients and micronutrients are essential to meet your health goals.
So, you begin researching products online that can promise clean, all-natural ingredients that truly deliver not only nutrients and vitamins, but also in taste. You may have stumbled upon our fan-favorites - Plant Protein + and Earthy Andy’s Plant Powered Protein. But wait…
Fructose is in the ingredients panel and based on all your research, it should be on your naughty list, right?
Not so fast. ✋

High Fructose Corn Syrup is not Natural Fructose
Let's tackle the big Fructose Myth and some of the health world’s most common questions surrounding High Fructose Corn Syrup vs Fructose - you know, the stuff that makes fruit, honey, and certain vegetables naturally sweet and delectable.
The most common misconception when reading nutrition labels is assuming fructose is the same as its super-sweet relative - High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). HFCS is a highly processed, concentrated form of fructose and glucose.
Unbeknownst to most, HFCS is:
- often genetically modified
- differs chemically from naturally derived fructose.
- 1.5 times sweeter than table sugar (sucrose 50% fructose & 50% glucose)
- found in soda, sports drinks, baked goods, candy, & packaged foods.
- highly addictive for some people
When you’re addicted to a sweetener such as HFCS, you’re going to buy more products containing it - repeatedly. Big companies making so many of the packaged goods you see on the shelves at the grocery know this!
Looking look around at the state of our health, it’s true most people are consuming an overly zealous amount of HFCS.
High Fructose Corn Syrup spikes blood glucose levels rapidly and has been tied to obesity, liver problems, diabetes, heart issues, and other diseases. For those with little-to-no daily exercise, and untracked consumption of simple carbohydrates and sugars, health issues can become prevalent, often leading to major health concerns.

Our Case For Natural Fructose
At nbpure, we believe every ingredient has a purpose. Fructose derived from all-natural fruits or vegetables, even a bit of raw honey can certainly have a place in any healthy lifestyle. If used in moderation, fructose, which is what is known as a simple sugar, gives us readily available energy to power through our day, recover from workouts, and can even impact how well we absorb certain minerals. Simple sugars are digested quickly for easily available energy.
Our pea protein blend includes all-natural fructose sourced from either red beets or real cane sugar. It is used to help cut down the bitterness from the SweetLeaf brand stevia and the pea protein itself. From a nutritional standpoint, the fructose in our protein blend is ideal for those with a low-fructose diet. It’s formulated specifically to include 2g of fiber which cuts down the total glycemic load to just 3 g carbs, and only 1g added sugar from the fructose and the other 1g coming from the minimally sweet legume - peas.
You might be wondering how that breaks down into standard kitchen measurements!
All-in-all, our all-natural added fructose breaks down into less than half a teaspoon of sugar (4.2g) at just 2 grams. In fact, that’s less than the amount of fructose naturally found in a single apple.
Our product is safe for many diabetic customers to use (though always check with your healthcare provider to make sure!).
In a delicious smoothie with high-fiber veggies like spinach, maybe some almond butter, and lower fructose fruits like berries or pineapple, our protein powders can be a great way to cover your macronutrients in one healthful package. So many of our customers love to replace sweets like ice cream, soda, and desserts with protein smoothies that can be equally as delicious without harmful side effects.
In such a minimal amount, your body will burn this fructose off quickly especially if your activity level is moderate to high. Or if you’re an athlete, your tolerance and requirements may be a bit different and you can consume different levels compared to an every-day adult diet. It really depends on you and your lifestyle!

Can I Have Fructose Every Day?
Provided that the rest of your diet is low in sugar, high in fiber, and is active - we’re confident that our protein products can be a daily part of a healthy lifestyle.
Keep in mind, the World Health Organization recommends 6 teaspoons of sugar a day (25 grams). Most people are eating a lot more and we bet it is not from fruit or veggies!
Our proteins have less fructose than a serving of berries which are considered the lowest sugar fruits approved for keto diets. For instance, there are just under 4 grams of fructose in a 100g serving of blueberries compared to our mere 1g of added fructose in a scoop of our protein blend!
Though we also understand, some people may wish to avoid fructose altogether due to personal preference, certain health conditions that cause fructose intolerance, or because they are on a specific dietary protocol. We are here to do our best to meet everyone, no matter where they are in their health journey.
So, it remains true that not all sugars and proteins are created equal. We hope we helped you understand the difference between our products containing fructose and other brands containing HFCS additives. In a sea of so many questionable ingredients, isn’t it great to know that our protein blends here at nbpure are a great way to get 25g of protein plus your essential amino acids from one clean source of protein with very little added all-natural sugar? Our Plant Protein + and Earthy Andy Plant Powered Protein are excellent options to help meet your recommended daily intake of protein!